The business of residential real estate shall post the. Idaho Housing Prices Analysis, Summer 2022 Idaho Rebounds Report, Fall 2020.
Quyền của Cha Mẹ và Thai Phụ Tại Nơi Làm Việc (Vietnamese)Īdditional required posters provided by other agencies are described in the Posting Requirements PDF document. Buy fair housing poster and replacement posters by selecting the replacement poster option at 62.99.Grossesse et droits parentaux sur le lieu de travail (French).Embarazo y derechos de las madres/ padres en el lugar de trabajo (Spanish).Pregnancy and Parental Rights in the Workplace.OHR also encourages businesses to post these optional posters: Ley de Protección de la Equidad para las Trabajadoras Embarazadas (PDF).Ley de Permiso de Ausencia Laboral para Padres (PDF).Thông Báo Mới về Nghỉ Phép Do COVID-19/Vi-rút Corona.COVID-19 Leave Under DC Family Medical Leave Act (DCFMLA).It is recommended that savings associations post a Spanish language version of the poster in offices serving areas with a substantial Spanish-speaking population. Igualdad de oportunidades en el empleo (Spanish) The poster shall be at least 11 by 14 inches in size, and the text shall be easily legible.*NEW* Updated Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO).Đạo Luật Chế Độ Nghỉ Bệnh và Nghỉ Phép Chăm Sóc Gia Đình của DC (Vietnamese).La ley de Ausencia Familiar y Médica del Distrito de Columbia (Spanish).Loi de DC en matière de congé parental et maladie (French).*NEW* Updated DC Family Medical Leave Act (DCFMLA).English Ordinance Poster Spanish Ordinance Poster. Employers in the District of Columbia are required by law to display specific employment-related posters in locations accessible to their employees. Fair and equal housing and employment opportunities and public accommomdations for all in Dallas. The following posters were created by the Office of Human Rights to advise customers about their rights in the following areas: public accommodations, housing, employment, and education.