Getting your car from one side of the country to another is a hassle in and of itself. Avoiding potential problems that come from car transportation. Rather than keeping your current vehicle and allowing it to accumulate dust, trading it in for a sum of money that can be put towards a down payment on your new vehicle is an excellent choice. Some people may be tired of driving an older vehicle and are looking to find something newer for their garage. Receiving cash towards a new car or other expenses. On top of this, you can pocket your car’s trade-in price value for whatever purpose you may need. For those who are moving to an area where a vehicle just isn’t necessary, such as in a walkable major city, trading in your vehicle can save you over $1,000 per month in transportation costs. On an average yearly basis, a household tends to spend around $13,000 on transportation costs, whether it be gas, maintenance, or other related items. Consider the following benefits of trading in a vehicle prior to your move to see if it’s the right choice for you: 1. However, your current car could fetch a significant cash value if it’s been taken care of properly, which can be put towards items related to your move, a new vehicle, or even a down payment on your new home. Pros of Trading in Your Car Before You Moveįor many people, trading in a vehicle can seem like a hassle that isn’t worth the time commitment. There are a number of benefits and drawbacks to using your move as this opportunity and looking at each can help you determine if trading in your old car is the right choice for you. One item many people overlook is using a move as an opportunity to trade in a car they’ve been looking at getting rid of for some time.

Planning to move is an exciting experience, and it requires a lot of preparation.